Saturday, July 24, 2010

More Pictures and Thank Yous!

Thanks again to the great crew who showed up to clean up our adopted mile. Thanks to:

Alissa Wooded
Aaron Ricker
Melanie Homer
Pal Grant
Betsy Clark
Tim Kern
Jan Kern
Carla Bathurst
Mike Ricker
Gail Ricker
Naim Halili

And here are some more pictures: 

Cleanup day

Wow! What a great turnout we had this morning and what an awesome bunch of workers. Thanks to everyone who showed up to help, you guys just rock!

Happy Workers!
Refreshment Station
Working hard
Tidying up the entrance

Yummy stuff!
We even had a hand-washing station

Friday, July 23, 2010

Some Announcements

  1. Remember that THIS Saturday, July 24th we will be cleaning up our stretch of adopted "highway" at the old half bridge off of Lake Shore (under the Ortega Bridge) 9:00 a.m. - bring your sunscreen, gloves and can-do attitude!
  2. Don't forget to vote in the comments or contact Carla with your pick for our final movie night of the summer.
  3. Reminder - there will be NO July LAPS meeting, put the 4th Monday in August on your calendar now for the next one! 6:30 p.m. at the Lake Shore Women's Club - be there!
  4. Stray dog needs placement: If the word could be put out I have a schnauzer dachshund puppy (not certain of age) that needs a good home.  I cannot keep this dog and will have to take him to the shelter next week if I cannot find him a home.  House trained. Will bark if someone comes to your door.  Does not get along well with cats (this is why I must find him a home fast). The dog tries to play and the cats don't want any part of this. Please call 384-2554 if you can give this dog a home.
    I know nothing about the dog because it showed up here and no one has claimed the animal. Friendly and loves to play.  Likes kids or at least my 10 year old grandchildren. 

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Last Movie Night for the Summer!

Our summer nights have been quite the success for a first venture. We have had lots of great comments about what a nice time it is to come out on a summer evening and enjoy a movie with friends and neighbors. For those of you who are wondering, it's NOT too hot or too buggy and those who have attended have loved it. Here are the suggestions for our last movie night on Friday, August 20th:
1. Maltese Falcon
2. How to Train Your Dog
3. Napolean Dynamite
4. Little Miss Sunshine
5. Monty Python
You can vote for your favorite in the comments section. Then come out and join us for our final show for this summer. 

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I've got good news and I've got bad news...

...which do you want first? Okay, let's get the bad news out of the way. There are, once again, thieves afoot in our neighborhood. There was a motorized bicycle stolen out of a yard, not sure of the exact location. There was also a trailer stolen with some household items on it in the 4500 block of Birkenhead Road. Keep your eyes open folks for ANY kind of suspicious activity. People get away with this type of thing because they think no one is paying attention and all too often no one is.

Now for the good news - I was in Lake Shore Produce this afternoon and found out that they are going to start selling Barbeque! Yay! I have sooo missed the smell of Barbeque cooking since Black Jack's closed. I hear it's going to be delicious!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Hanging Chads??????

Okay, so the poll had quite the snafu... don't know why it wouldn't let people vote. It let me vote but then wouldn't record it. Grrrrr. But it's hard to complain too much about Blogger since it's free. So, in order to avoid having an extended kerfuffle and/or recount we will post the choices for Friday's movie night here and people can vote in the comments section.

Here is the slate of nominations for Friday's Outdoor Movie Night:

  1. National Treasure
  2. The Maltese Falcon
  3. The Blues Brothers
Cast your vote in the comments section! 


The second movie in the poll is supposed to be the Maltese Falcon... can't edit it because people have already voted. Sorry for the typo folks!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Thanks JEA!

Big thanks to JEA for getting their workers out to restore our electricity this afternoon. There were 52 homes without power for 3 1/2 hours on a hot July afternoon. I for one was ecstatic to see those big trucks roll in!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Time to pick July's Movie!

We need some suggestions for movie night this month. Our first summer movie night in June was terrific and everyone who came had a great time. So far someone has suggested National Treasure and perhaps a black and white from back in the day. Put your suggestions in the comments section or e-mail them to and we'll put them up to a vote.