LAPS Meeting Minutes
June 27, 2011
Board Members present: Aaron Ricker, Norma Pitzer, Betsy Clark
The meeting began at 6:37
1. There was a successful turnout for Phase I of the tree planting at Bayview Park. Grenscape donated bags for almost all of the trees that help keep the trees watered. We need to keep an eye on those to make sure they don’t run d4ry. Phase II planting will be in 2012.
2. Norma reported that after expenditures of 25.68 for banner fabric and $175.00 for a projector for movie nights we have $474.95 in the bank.
3. Melanie reported from the SHADCO meeting. There are various scam artists out In parking lots trying to get money so be careful. The July 28th meeting will be held in the large sanctuary at Ortega United Methodist as all the Westside sectors will be represented.
4. We received a notice regarding our tax exempt status. We will consult Kory Murphy about the proper procedure for this filing.
5. A question was raised about why we don’t hold our Luminaria on the same night as other communities on the Westside. One response was that many folks like to attend parties, concerts, etc. in Riverside/Avondale and would not be able to attend ours. It was decided to post a voting poll early in the fall to determine what the major consensus is on this issue.
6. Many of our LAPSJAX.ORG signs have been stolen. We discussed various other options for signage. One was to put banners on the arches. Another was to purchase an enclosed signboard with letters that can be changed for various messages. We will look into these and other options and as usual, will entertain suggestions.
7. It is with great sadness that we announce the resignation of our president, Carla Bathurst. She has given above and beyond what anyone could expect during her tenure and we are deeply sorry about her departure. Having said that, we are in need of a volunteer to step in as interim president nominations can be made and an election scheduled. Please contact any board member if you would be willing to fill this temporary position.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:37 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Betsy R. Clark, Secretary