Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Neighborhood Updates

  • Spaghetti Dinner at the Lakeshore Woman's Club! Tuesday October 25, 2011 from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm Cost is $6.00. Tickets can be purchased in advanced from a member or at the door. Dine In or Take Out. Check out their website:

  • There have been reports of rabid raccoons in the area. Please keep an eye on your pets!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

September LAPS Meeting Results

Twelve people braved the rain and came out to the LAPS meeting Monday night. Everyone in attendance agreed that we should try to keep this organization going in some form. It was decided that we will hold a pot luck dinner for our meeting in October and hold nominations then for the two open board positions (President and VP). We hope to advertise this heavily to encourage as much participation as possible, via the website, blog, e-mail, posters, signs and hopefully a banner or two.
We also talked about the things we thought were important to do or keep doing at minimum. They included:

  • ·        The Spring Yard Sale
  • ·        Have some kind of program or speaker for the meetings (anyone feel called to be program chairperson?)
  • ·        Go back to renewing of all memberships in January (we can work something out for folks who renewed late in the year if necessary)
  • ·        Organize social opportunities like cookouts, etc. so we can get to know each other better

We will be open to more suggestions at future meetings and everything will be considered if we get overall agreement and willingness to volunteer from the membership.

We also want to give kudos and high praise for whoever a) weeded the flowerbed up at the arches and b) tended to the trees at the ballpark. Thanks to anonymous worker bees!

Please help out by telling your neighbors about the pot luck on Monday, October 24th, 6:30pm at the LakeShore Woman’s Club and make sure you come yourself and nominate someone you love to serve on the LAPS board. Of course, you can always volunteer yourself !!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

September LAPS Meeting

There will be a LAPS MEETING on Monday, September 26th.  We will be discussing the future and direction of this organization. We NEED your ideas, input and inspiration if this is to be a viable group. If you would like to keep this group going please be sure to be in attendance. We will not be rehashing where we have been in the past but rather where we want to go and what we want to be now and into the future. We sure hope you’ll be there.