Sunday, October 23, 2011

LAPS Hiatus

LAPS will be taking a hiatus for the rest of this year. We will meet again on the 4th Monday in January at the LakeShore Woman's Club. At that time there will be nominations for new board members. We ask that everyone give some thought over the next few months about what you would like this organization to be for our community and then come together in January to share thoughts and ideas. Blessings to all.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Monday's Meeting and My Resignation

 We had planned to have a covered dish dinner and meeting this Monday, October 24th to discuss and hopefully nominate new board members. Norma, the treasurer nor I are able to attend Monday and due to my job and ongoing training I will be unavailable on Mondays for the next six months. Therefore I think it is best that a new secretary be elected as well. I am willing to keep up the website if the information gets forwarded to me but will be happy to turn it over as well if someone wants to do it.

The most immediate thing is to have someone volunteer to get the keys to open up the building and be responsible for making sure everything is clean and lockedup afterward. Please let me know if anyone can stepup for that. If not, we I think it will have to be put off until November whn Norma can be there.  Blessings to all, Betsy

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Neighborhood Updates

  • Spaghetti Dinner at the Lakeshore Woman's Club! Tuesday October 25, 2011 from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm Cost is $6.00. Tickets can be purchased in advanced from a member or at the door. Dine In or Take Out. Check out their website:

  • There have been reports of rabid raccoons in the area. Please keep an eye on your pets!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

September LAPS Meeting Results

Twelve people braved the rain and came out to the LAPS meeting Monday night. Everyone in attendance agreed that we should try to keep this organization going in some form. It was decided that we will hold a pot luck dinner for our meeting in October and hold nominations then for the two open board positions (President and VP). We hope to advertise this heavily to encourage as much participation as possible, via the website, blog, e-mail, posters, signs and hopefully a banner or two.
We also talked about the things we thought were important to do or keep doing at minimum. They included:

  • ·        The Spring Yard Sale
  • ·        Have some kind of program or speaker for the meetings (anyone feel called to be program chairperson?)
  • ·        Go back to renewing of all memberships in January (we can work something out for folks who renewed late in the year if necessary)
  • ·        Organize social opportunities like cookouts, etc. so we can get to know each other better

We will be open to more suggestions at future meetings and everything will be considered if we get overall agreement and willingness to volunteer from the membership.

We also want to give kudos and high praise for whoever a) weeded the flowerbed up at the arches and b) tended to the trees at the ballpark. Thanks to anonymous worker bees!

Please help out by telling your neighbors about the pot luck on Monday, October 24th, 6:30pm at the LakeShore Woman’s Club and make sure you come yourself and nominate someone you love to serve on the LAPS board. Of course, you can always volunteer yourself !!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

September LAPS Meeting

There will be a LAPS MEETING on Monday, September 26th.  We will be discussing the future and direction of this organization. We NEED your ideas, input and inspiration if this is to be a viable group. If you would like to keep this group going please be sure to be in attendance. We will not be rehashing where we have been in the past but rather where we want to go and what we want to be now and into the future. We sure hope you’ll be there. 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Meeting Minutes July 26

LAPS Meeting Minutes
June 27, 2011
Board Members present: Aaron Ricker, Norma Pitzer, Betsy Clark
The meeting began at 6:37

1.       There was a successful turnout for Phase I of the tree planting at Bayview Park. Grenscape donated bags for almost all of the trees that help keep the trees watered. We need to keep an  eye on those to make sure they don’t run d4ry. Phase II planting will be in 2012.
2.       Norma reported that after expenditures of 25.68 for banner fabric and $175.00 for a projector for movie nights we have $474.95 in the bank.
3.       Melanie reported from the SHADCO meeting. There are various scam artists out In parking lots trying to get money so be careful.  The July 28th meeting will be held in the large sanctuary at Ortega United Methodist as all the Westside sectors will be represented.
4.       We received a notice regarding our tax exempt status. We will consult Kory Murphy about the proper procedure for this filing.
5.       A question was raised about why we don’t hold our Luminaria on the same night as other communities on the Westside. One response was that many folks like to attend parties, concerts, etc. in Riverside/Avondale and would not be able to attend ours. It was decided to post a voting poll early in the fall to determine what the major consensus is on this issue.
6.       Many of our LAPSJAX.ORG signs have been stolen. We discussed various other options for signage. One was to put banners on the arches. Another was to purchase an enclosed signboard with letters that can be changed for various messages. We will look into these and other options and as usual, will entertain suggestions.
7.       It is with great sadness that we announce the resignation of our president, Carla Bathurst. She has given above and beyond what anyone could expect during her tenure and we are deeply sorry about her departure. Having said that, we are in need of a volunteer to step in as interim president nominations can be made and an election scheduled. Please contact any board member if you would be willing to fill this temporary position.
There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:37 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Betsy R. Clark, Secretary

Tonight's Meeting

FYI - There will be no live blogging of tonight's meeting as the secretary's arm is in a sling and she can't type that fast at present. Notes will be taken and the minutes will be posted later tonight. Thank you for your patience and support.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

June Meeting

 Make sure you have the monthly LAPS meeting down on your calendar, It's this coming Monday evening
June 27th at 6:30 pm at the Lakeshore Woman's Club. We have trees and movies and such to talk about plus
all the latest goings on in the nighborhood. It's YOUR community so please take the time to help make it a great 
one. See you there!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Movie Night THIS Saturday!

Come on out for the first Movie Night of the summer THIS Saturday. We will be watching Despicable Me at sundown, around 8:30 up by the gates on Bayview. Bottled water & chips will be available. Bring a chair or blanket and we'll see you there!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Please don't forget our project this Saturday @ Bayview/ Lake Shore School Ball park. Check in at 8 a.m. (Sorry so early, but trying to avoid the heat). Bring rakes, shovels, gloves, etc. and a sense of humor. It will all be worth it, I promise.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Items of Concern

Blanding Billiards is still an area of concern. The owner of the property is cooperating with addressing some issues there. The noise level is going to be lowered and they will no longer be open 24/7. They will now be closing at 3 am.

There has been drug activity in a house on Riverdale, police are investigating.

There have been reports of a man sleeping in people's yards. He has been approached and is relatively harmless it seems.

If you know of any concerns let us know and we will bring it up at the next SHADCO meeting.

No other business was brought up so we are adjourning.

Summer Movie Nights

Here's the schedule:

June 18th - Despicable Me

July 16th - The King's Speech

August 20th - 3:10 to Yuma

Get these on your calendars!

Adopt a Highway

We will be cleaning up our stretch of Highway on Cassat Ave. this Saturday morning at 10. Meet at the Chevron Convenience store at Cassat and Park Street. The more the merrier and the quicker it will go.

Meeting continued

June 4th's tree planting event is the main topic tonight.

The trees are 30 gallon Yaupon Holly, crepe myrtles, southern red cedars, live oaks and chestnut oaks. Carla has arranged for an auger from McStephenson's in addition to donations for food, drinks and other essentials. We really need man and woman power that morning and hope you and your friends and neighbors can come out and help. Greenscape advises us that there will be a Phase II next year for more park improvements so this is just a beginning of great things!

Live blogging the LAPS meeting

I'm going to attempt to "live blog" the LAPS meeting tonight. Feel free to join in through the comments. So far, we're discussing the new sidewalk on Jersey.

Our LAPS signs keep disappearing. Carla will buy more this week and is buying banner materials to advertise LAPS activities in the community.

Norma reports that we have $635.62 in our account.

Aaron attended last month's SHADCO meeting which was mostly covering pedestrian safety. The next meeting will be this Thursday at Ortega UMC at 7:00.

Stuff is Happening in Lake Shore!

There's a lot going on in the neighborhood! Work started today on Jersey Street to put in new sidewalks, JEA and Greenscape are providing us with 30(!) new trees for Bayview Park and things are happening on Bayview Road as well. Come out to the LAPS meting tonight at 6:30 to get the latest inside scoop on all these projects and more! LakeShore Woman's Club - see you there!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Our Newest addition to the neighborhood courtesy of dedicated members Lisa & Chuck Briggs. Thank you both, I'm sure all the dog walkers will appreciate this, and the other walkers will appreciate everyone using it! (Located on Bayview Road near the intersection of Blackburn)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

April 25th Meeting
Shadco meeting on April 28th regarding crime prevention techniques.
Adopt-A-Highway Cleanup scheduled in april/May for Cassat and Roosevelt, remember we have 2 areas now.
Trash can and Dog Disposal Stations planned for Bayview Road coordinated by Lisa Lunsford. Should be installed by our next meeting. Thank you Lisa!
Problems concerning noise and activities at Blanding Billiards is an ongoing effort with the owner of the building and the Managing Realtor. The owner has been very cooperative and proactive.
Outdoor Summer Movie Nights: scheduled for June 18th, July 16th, and August 20th. Features movies decided on will be "Despicable Me", "King's speech". and "3:10 to Yuma"

Other concerns reported: Winnebego spanning the width of a house on Cambridge Road in the front yard.

Cynthis Seagraves will be speaking to Wayne Wood regarding developing the space under US 17 as a future project. Prime property for something similar to Riverside Arts Market.

Next LAPS meeting, May 23rd. 6:30 p.m. @ Lake Shore Woman's Club

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Patronizing Neighborhood Businesses

A big giant shout out to Crabtree Plumbing on Urban. They showed up in amazing good time. Plumbing in progress, yay!

Monday, May 2, 2011

I have had a flurry of calls and emails from residents this week regarding cares and concerns in our neighborhood. I couldn't be more pleased. Keep them coming! Rest assured, all your questions and suggestions are taken very seriously. Thank you for trusting us to help you handle any problems and work on a solution together. This only suggests that everyone is taking an active role in assuring a quality of life worth being proud of in Lake Shore. :)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

April Meeting

This Monday, April 25th, is the LAPS General meeting @ 6:30 p.m., Lake Shore Woman's Club Hope to see you there.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

4th Annual Community Yard Sale!

Our annual community yard sale is coming up soon - March 19th to be exact! 

Monday, January 24, 2011

Tonight's Meeting

What a great meeting tonight! So good to see so many neighbors in attendance to hear the presentation from the St. Johns River Water Management District on Waterwise Landscaping. Those books on landscaping she gave us will really help us figure out how to "put the right plants in the right place."

The SHADCO meeting will be on Thursday evening January 27th at Ortega United Methodist Church and there will be a presentation on Crime and Older Adults. Fo more information e-mail or call 573-3165.

Our quarterly cleanup of our "mile" at the half bridge by the railroad tracks will be this Saturday morning at 9. The more help we have, the faster we'll get it done!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Meeting Agenda for Monday, January 24

Here is the agenda for Monday night's meeting:

General Meeting Agenda
For: Monday, January 24, 2011
Lake Shore Women’s Club
6:30 p.m.
  • Norma Pitzer: Treasurer’s Report
  • Betsy Clark: Secretary’s Minutes and Web Site information
  • Melanie Homer: Shadco Report/Meeting
  • Guest speaker:  Cheryl Bell-Abbott from the St. John’s River Water Management Division.  Power Point Presentation on Water wise Landscaping.
  • 4th Annual Community Yard Sale; Saturday, March 19th
  • Greenscape Flowering Tree Sale; Saturday, February 26th.
  • Newly Adopted Highway on Cassat Avenue
  • Donation Drive in progress for continued re-beautification of Bayview/Lake Shore Park and key areas around Lake Shore.
  • Report on Jacksonville Historic Preservation Consortium
  • Election of Vice President.

******Open Forum*******

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Good Time Was Had...

... we had a great time despite the frightful weather conditions at our Holiday Party. You can see more pictures on our facebook page.