Friday, April 9, 2010

Present Day Good Stuff

We have had lots of fun and interesting comments while walking down Lake Shore's memory lane... the old bakery, shoe repair shop, 2 drugstores with soda fountains, a few fun and respectable neighborhood drinking establishments (as opposed to the current stripper pole dancing places), the old post office, the Golden Arch (no, not McDonald's), Denny Moran's, the original Burger King, swans at Roosevelt Mall and lots more.

Here's my next question(s)... what do you think are the best places to go in Lake Shore today? What makes us unique and a great place to live? I think Chamblin's Bookmine is on my list of favorites and I'm so glad they are part of the neighborhood. There's no excuse for being bored when there's so much to read, watch and listen to available right down the street. I recently discovered that they rent books on CD which I listen to in my car all the time. If you see me sitting in my driveway not getting out of my car it's because I'm trying to finish the chapter!


  1. Lake Shore Produce is definitely a winner on my list. They're much closer than the Beaver Street Farmers Market and much more reasonably priced than Publix. Although I'm pretty sure they are one of the few places in this world that doesn't accept Visa. Maybe someday!

  2. Ditto on Chamblin's Bookmine. And I love that they have a second store downtown a couple of blocks from where I work--and they have salads & sandwiches too! Nice lunch place.

  3. Thanks for the reminder to visit Lake Shore Produce Rachel, I love their stuff. I for one am hoping that we will get some good BBQ back since the reno on the old KCs looks like it is winding up. I sure miss that smell.

  4. I miss the smell ofthe original LakeShore produce where running the pea-sheller/a.k.a.fingersmasher was my first real job. A few hours of that and the Bigprice per wrapped pint mademore sense.
    Thesedays i think grabbing something from the shelves of Camblin and enjoying the pier are two of my favorite things about our digs.

  5. Maybe-if the prices are right at Pete's Kristin's on the River, we could have our modern day BambooLuau?

  6. I have lived here on Birkenhead for 33 years, and remember a great many of the things mentioned and was actually unaware of many as well. I have truly enjoyed raising my children in this neighborhood; I have friends, a BFF/sister I cherish. I am making a change in my life though, soon and will be moving. I will take all my own...and now your shared memories with me! Karen

  7. My favorites are the Schwinn shop and Lakeshore Produce. Both are full of healthy stuff and have been owned for years by great families. Feels like going home every time go in either one!
