Saturday, December 4, 2010

Get 'em while they're ...

... well, not hot, because the candles aren't lit yet. But our Lake Shore elves are busy assembling luminary kits for next week's celebration. The kits are $5 each and we take cash or checks. They'll be on sale TODAY (Saturday) until 2 pm up on Bayview near the arches. If you can't stop by today, we'll have them on sale next Saturday and Sunday also but the supply is limited so don't wait too long!


  1. What movie have you chosen?

  2. Love the boating Santa at the corner of Pinewood and Lakeshore!

  3. Carla, so sorry to hear about your Dad's fire! Must be devastating especially this time of year.

  4. It has been about 18 hours and I just find myself getting more angry! This fool could have killed my father but I guess all is forgiven because his brother is a priest!! Who cares what happens to all the other people his negligence affected.
